Become a Master Gardener!

Tazewell County Master Gardeners will offer Virginia Cooperative Extension Master
Gardener training on Wednesdays, 3:00 - 6:00 pm, from 8/9/23 through 11/15/23, at the Extension office in North Tazewell, VA. The purpose of this course is to train volunteers to assist Virginia Cooperative Extension in providing horticulture-related education to the community. The fee for the course is $130, which includes all course costs and a required background check.
This course provides the basic 50-hour educational component of Master Gardener training, which is followed by an internship volunteering in Master Gardener programs for the community. Course topics include basic botany, soil, entomology, plant pathology, fruits and vegetables, herbaceous plants, woody plants, plant propagation, pesticides, and much more.
If you are interested in becoming a Tazewell County Master Gardener, or have questions, please contact the Extension Office in Tazewell (276-988-0405, front desk) or Jane Sorensen, Tazewell County Master Gardener Coordinator,